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Store: a comprehensive research and demostration project on the application of energy storage systems in island power systems

I. Egido, E. Lobato, L. Rouco, L. Sigrist, A. Barrado, P. Fontela, J. Magriñá

46 CIGRE Session - CIGRE 2016, París (Francia). 21-26 agosto 2016

Island power systems exhibit distinct features with respect to interconnected ones due to their isolated nature and small size and the cost of the fuel for power generation. Endesa has led a research and demonstration project (STORE) on testing the state of the art of Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) to address specific issues of small island power systems. Applications such as peak-shaving, voltage control, frequency control have been implemented. Power systems of the Spanish Canary Islands were used as test bench. STORE project comprises three ESSs of different technologies: a 4 MW – 20 MWs ultra-capacitor bank installed in La Palma power system, a 500 kW-18 MWs flywheel installed in La Gomera power system and a 1 MW / 3 MWh Li-ion battery installed in Gran Canaria system. Gran Canaria battery is aimed at providing peak shaving and voltage control services. Both La Palma ultra-capacitor and La Gomera flywheel are aimed at frequency stability and control enhancement. Power electronic conversion as well as control systems of the three ESSs will be described. Actual records of tests and operational experience will be shown.

Palabras clave: Energy Storage Systems, Isolated Power Systems, Frequency stability, Peak shaving.

Fecha de publicación: 2016-08-21.

I. Egido, E. Lobato, L. Rouco, L. Sigrist, A. Barrado, P. Fontela, J. Magriñá, Store: a comprehensive research and demostration project on the application of energy storage systems in island power systems, 46 CIGRE Session - CIGRE 2016, París (Francia). 21-26 agosto 2016.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Estabilidad: Estabilidad de gran perturbación, ajuste de protecciones de deslastre de cargas por frecuencia, control de la excitación, estabilidad de pequeña perturbación, ajuste de estabilizadores del sistema de potencia, identificación de modelos de reguladores

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